Thursday, April 16, 2020

30A – Final Reflection

Reading through all my blog posted ended up being very enjoyable!  I had totally forgotten about a lot of them, and it was neat to go back a read through each blog.  When reading a few of them, I remember how sometimes I felt a little stuck, but being able to say I accomplished it is something that I am proud of.  Also reflecting on all my interviews was very interesting.  I remember talking to all these people and now looking back on it, they were the ones that shaped my product/service.  I really saw my initial thoughts turn into something that had potential.  It was neat to see the growth throughout the blog process.

The posts that stick out to me as the most formative experiences were all three elevator pitches. Watching my first one was interesting, but I was able to whiteness myself improve throughout the semester.

I definitely am able to see the meaning behind an entrepreneurial mindset.  In the beginning, I was not sure if I could accomplish that, but I believe this course has given me the confidence to.  

One thing I would recommend to other students that will be taking this class in the future would be to start out with confidence in yourself.  Being confident is key not only in school assignment, but life! I can say that I was able to grow in confidence in my ideas through this course.

The picture that I am including is a start/finish line image.  I love that the picture includes two little girls.  Imagine the creativity that goes on in their young minds as do ours!


  1. Hey Kayla, wonderful post once again! I really enjoyed reading your discussions and comments as feedback on my posts throughout the entirety of the semester. Your point of view gave great advice that played a role in how my product changed form the beginning of the year to how it is now. I am glad you enjoyed the experience of taking this course as much as I did. Having confidence is also a great piece of advice to a young entrepreneur. Many people will be in situations similar to the ones we found ourselves in and believing in yourself is key in being successful. Great post once again!

    Mark C

  2. Hi Kayla,
    I agree with what you said about the importance of having confidence in life, especially when it comes to finding the confidence to get back up and try again after failure. It is definitely interesting to be able to see how we have evolved and improved over the last few months. That is one of the benefits of blogging, we are able to see the progress we have made.
