Thursday, April 16, 2020

26A - Celebrating Failure

When thinking about a time when I failed happened in February this past semester.  I had been preparing all week for a really important exam in a class that had been quite a challenge for me.  The method of studying I used for the first exam did not work too well and I was very unhappy with my results.  The second time around I tried studying a little differently, but did not see any huge results.  Finally, after the third attempt of studying a completely different way, the studying paid off.  I learned from this that sometimes my brain works differently for different material/classes, and that its okay to have to change up the usual method or process. In conclusion of this failure, after trying different studying methods it worked. This reminds me of the Thomas Edison example mentioned in this assignment. He discovered a way that didn’t work and came up with a new method, in my case of studying for a particular class.

I try to handle failure with a positive mind set, but that is definitely not the case all the time. From taking this class, I have learned that there are going to be many times when one fails at something, whether that’s a product, service or just in different areas of life. But the key take away that I have learned is to push through and keep going.

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