Friday, April 3, 2020

22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3

1)    I didn’t receive any critiques on my last pitch.  The comments said that I put myself in the customers shoes and seemed more confident.

2)    I didn’t change much, other than just trying to keep up the energy to keep the audience engaged!


  1. Hi Kayla,

    Your elevator pitch was great. The introduction of the message is very good because you capture your audience with your energy and the great knowledge you have about your topic. I love your business idea is very necessary to apply it in real life. I have no criticism for your pitch, your tone of voice, the clarity when speaking, the confidence you have on the subject and your enthusiasm are perfect to be successful in your business idea. Nice job!

  2. Hey Kayla, sorry for not critiquing your previous elevator pitch, but i really enjoyed this one! the way you clearly elaborate and spoke passionatley on your project speaks volume to the way you carry yourself as an entrepreneur. With this same passion i am sure you will be successful as long as you carry yourself the correct way. Being confident is essential to a successful entrepreneur.

    Mark C
