Friday, March 13, 2020

15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior

My segment that I have chosen is college students surrounding the University of Florida campus that are impacted by the effect of paper straws.  From all three of my interviews, I brought up the question to each one, “if you had to choose between a paper straw and eco-friendly straw that might coast a little extra with the drink, which one would you pick?” Two out of the three said that they would pay a little bit more on top of a drink fee to use a straw that was not made out of paper. With this response, the quality of something that one purchase does matter.  If one were to pay (let’s say an extra 50 cents) for a straw that wasn’t paper, the quality of that purchase to the customers would pay off.

For my customers, in this situation they are more likely to purchase on the spot in the store. This is only given if the store is not already just out eco-friendly straws.  Since they can be more expensive then paper, having the option for customers to pay a little more to buy them is what determines if it is worth it or not.

From talking to all three of my segment interviews, my second one really stuck out to me.  She said that for her personally, if she were to get a drink and go into the library relying on that specific drink to give her some energy while studying, she would pay the little bit more for a nice straw rather than paper.

After asking each one, “what helps them determine if a purchase was a good idea,” the answers were about the same.  If the experience of drinking without the worry of something being “unusable” after a while like a paper straw, then the other option is worth it.  Talking to each of my interviews made me realize that people would actually purchase something that used to be free if it came down to it for a small price. Of course, not all restaurants have to charge for the straws, but I think this concept of instead of having no option of another straw is beneficial.

In conclusion, I believe this concept of having restaurants in the Gainesville area provide an eco-friendly option for free or a small cost would increase the customer (my segment) satisfaction.  

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