Friday, March 13, 2020

16A - What's Your Secret Sauce

1)    Five ways in which I think I have human capital that is truly unique
1.     I think that my communications skills have improved from being in college and majoring in public relations.
2.     Remaining positive in difficult situations is something that I strive to always put forth.
3.     Determination is something that has always been something I feel as if I encompass.
4.     Remaining disciplined and humble in different circumstances.
5.     Organizational leadership is something that I also have strived to have.

2)    Interview people and ask about my knowledge, skills, abilities and emotions

Interview #1, my mom: After asking my mom she said that I have a sense of love and am able to read situations with my emotions.  She also noted that I can bring out the positives in different kinds of situations. She said that I remain “calm, cool and collective in a crisis.”

Interview #2, my dad: He said that one of my strongest points in that I am a “take charge person” during an activity.  Also, taking initiative and taking leadership is something that I also perform. 

Interview #3, my roommate Ashley: She explained that I am a good communicator and has seen that through being my roommate the past two years in school.  Ashley also explained that I can be “thorough” through completing my assignments.

Interview #4, my friend from UF Nico: He explained that I have a great sense of individualization and understanding other people. Nico also said that I really try to understand people in the best ways that I can.   

Interview #5, my sister Anna: She said that watching me grow up, she was able to witness my communications skills grow through opportunities that we have both had together.  This specific example was through a non-profit that we both helped start back in Tampa.

3)    After interviewing all five people, I realized that there were some things said that I did not realize I had.  For example, I have never really considered myself a “take charge person” as my dad described me.  I have always thought I had leadership capabilities, but just not to that extent.  Doing this assignment was very interesting and I really enjoyed it! 

Interview # 3:
Interview #4:
Interview #5:


  1. Hey Kayla,
    First off thank you for actually having audio! A lot of the blogs I was trying to peer review had no audio recordings at all. I thought your audio interviews were really thoughtful and honest. I think your character to remain disciplined is a very important one and it is one I didn’t think about when writing my own, but you reminded me of how valuable it is in life in general.

  2. Hi Kayla.

    Your human capital is very interesting. You have great qualities that make you different. Also, your interviews were very good, how good it was to learn a little about you. This exercise was very important because it allows us to evaluate ourselves and it is necessary to do it to know that we must change in ourselves to learn from our mistakes and turn them into strengths. Good luck in your projects and that you meet all your expectations in your life. Good job!

  3. Hey Kayla, great post. You have a lot of qualities that are very important to being successful in any job. Remaining positive when facing adverse situations is an incredible ability to have, most people can't. Your friends and family seem to know you very well, they seem like people you can rely on. Great job!
