Friday, February 28, 2020

13A - Reading Reflection No. 1

To Be Loved by Berry Gordy was a great read, and I really enjoyed learning more about him.  The way the book was written really captured my attention and I think he painted the picture very well of his childhood to developing Motown Records.  I think the reason why he was a hard worker was through watching his father provide for the family growing up in the Great Depression era. From reflecting, there were definitely people that admired him and he contained great leadership. Gordy did face failure on his road to success.  An example of this is when him and his brother lost the first store they owned.  Even though he went through hard times, he came out on top with developing a well-known record company.  

Reading about Berry’s childhood and his experience struggling in school I think helped him to become better. He really showed what being determined looked like. 

After finishing the book, I feel like I would have wanted to see him be more involved in creating music himself and wonder why he wasn’t?  One thing I remember from the beginning of the book was when he would sit at the piano with his uncle and play.

I would ask:
#1: Do you regret any decisions, and if you do and could go back and change one, what would that be?  
#2: What is your favorite memory during your childhood and after creating Motown Records?

I think his opinion of hard work was striving to in all circumstances, keep moving forward and give your best. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kayla,
    From your post and a lot of other students’ blog posts and mine as well, I’ve seen that the entrepreneurs that they read about all seem to have come from hard beginnings in which they are all exposed to the value of hard work from a young age. I’m curious as to how he got into the music industry in the first place and why his music record company isn’t currently producing music.
