Friday, March 27, 2020

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1)    I think this business of providing alternative options other than paper straws would not only benefit the community as a whole in Gainesville, but encourage surrounding counties to come up with alternative options too. 
2)    We will be solving the unmet need through using eco-friendly straws instead of only paper. Since it is expensive to buy paper straws for their use as well.
3)    The main “who” in this question involves not only the customer, but the owners of restaurants in Gainesville area. Everyone who owns a restaurant in this city is not allowed to sell regular, so comping up with a solution for another sustainable option will help them.
4)    I think that restaurant owners would pay for these straws, because the satisfaction of the customer would be greater.
5)    Using these products would set apart people from a lot of other business.  Using an eco-friendly only straw, and it not be paper and still help save plastic would be very successful.

I believe that this business concept of providing eco-friendly straws that are not paper would really benefit the community as a whole.  Since it is most restraint owners pay more for paper straws anyways, this would be a better solution.  Through this, customers would be more satisfied as well as the restaurant owners knowing they are making an impact for the greater good of the community’s sustainability.

I only received one comment on my original post, but the comment really helped me.  Mary said that restaurant owners have to pay more for paper straws, so I incorporated into this napkin as that being a weakness. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla,
    I was glad and surprised to see that you incorporated my comment of the price of paper straws for restaurant owners. I’m glad it helped! I think it shows that sometimes paper straws can be an inconvenience for both customers and restaurant owners. I think it makes your argument stronger. Good job!
