Friday, February 7, 2020

Identifying Opportunities Ecconomic & Regulatory Trends

Economic Trend #1: Millennials are stashing money away earlier than Gen Xers and Baby Boomer
Opportunity:  I believe that here is an opportunity for other millennial's to realize that they can start saving early on with the resources in today’s world.  In the article it talks about how more than three-quarters of millennial's carry debt including auto loans, credit card, mortgages, student loans and others.  Being able to take a hold of this now and act upon this is important.
Prototypical Customer: The prototypical customer is the millennial in this situation.
Opportunity relatively easy or difficult to exploit:  I think that is relatively easy for this opportunity to be reached. With classes and programs out there on how handle money for millennial's, ways to save money can be learned.

-       I saw this opportunity for myself as a reminder to start saving money now for my future. 

Economic Trend #2: Coronavirus
Opportunity: With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus, companies have stopped flying into China for the safety of not having anyone possibly infected.  With these big companies like Apple, Disney, Facebook, Google, General Motors, McDonald’s and Starbucks as stated in the article, I believe that this is an opportunity to push the medical world into helping solve this issue. 
Prototypical Customer: The customer in this case would be these large well-known companies that have stopped transportation to Chine. 
Opportunity relatively easy or difficult to exploit:  I think that the opportunity to have medical professionals working to solve this outbreak will be relatively difficult, however with improving technology, I think that eventually there will be something that helps stop this spread of disease.

I saw this as an opportunity for the medical field to help research more and through hearing about how serious companies are about it, I believe that people are continuously working on it to resolve the issue.

Regulatory Change #1: Facebook security
Opportunity:  This article offers many ways that one can take steps to helping with online privacy. 
Prototypical Customer: This would be everyone that uses Facebook or other online social media sites.
Opportunity relatively easy or difficult to exploit: I believe that this opportunity to reduce one’s online footprint is easier said than done. Yes, through using these tips from the article, one can help themselves in maintaining privacy, but there are still other ways that the web can get one’s information.

I saw this as an opportunity for myself included. So many stories about people having their identity stolen and hacks happening in today’s world that taking precautionary steps is important.

Regulatory Change #2: Plastic pollution
Opportunity:  At the Super Bowl this past weekend, a company in Arizona called Footprint aimed to help fight using plastic through using eco-friendly alternatives.  These alternatives were fiber-based food containers that helped reduce the carbon footprint at such a large event. 
Prototypical Customer:  the customer would be large events like the super bowl, but also someone in everyday life could use these products.
Opportunity relatively easy or difficult to exploit:  I think that through using this resource, we could help continue to reduce our carbon footprint and that it would be very easy if people knew about this available option. 

I saw this as an opportunity for this company to continue to get their name out about their eco-friendly products.  Through using an event like the Super Bowl is a great way to start.


  1. Hi Kayla,

    Super interesting your opportunities, this epidemic of the Coronavirus has scared the entire Chinese population and even the world in general for all the deaths that it is causing, it is also affecting the economy of the companies that are in the airports since by orders it is closed by Flight cancellation This article was very important because I had not thought about the affected companies that are leaving this terrible virus. Worrying for the whole world this situation. Great post!

  2. Hey Kayla,
    I thought your opportunity idea talking about coronavirus was really interesting because when I read articles and watch news videos about coronavirus, I only think about the health impacts, the deaths, and the possibilities of contamination. I completely forgot about how this is affecting the global economy is a huge way! Though China’s economy is probably hit the hardest, it still hurts other country’s economies that work closely with China. Thanks for widening my view of the situation!

  3. Hi Kayla,
    You have a lot of very interesting opportunities, but the one about the coronavirus caught my attention the most. The economic has had throughout the world is not talked enough. I also find the opportunity about plastic pollution really amazing, its a great idea that should be implemented at all big sporting events in order to protect the environment.
