Thursday, February 27, 2020

14A - Halfway Reflection

1)    Keeping up with this course has required me to maintain my time management skills.  Being sure to watch the lectures before Thursday so that I can devote enough time to study for the cupcake and complete the assignments is very important.  Another behavior that I have tried to keep up with is patience in truly understanding what each assignment is asking me to do, and taking the time to complete them to the best of my abilities.
2)    When I read that we were supposed to go out and interview people, I was a little hesitant at first.  But after doing it a few times, I became more comfortable with how to accomplish the interviews.  I also feel like I grew in knowing how to ask the right questions.
3)    Three tips that I would recommend are:
#1: Keeping a very strict schedule and not letting yourself fall behind in lecture videos for the week.
#2: Be willing and excited to test your creativity! This class allows you to do that through the assignments.
#3: Start the course with the end in mind of how much you will learn and grow from taking a course in entrepreneurship.  Even if you don’t want to be an entrepreneur, having these foundational skills will help in the long run!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kayla, I enjoyed reading your post as it made me think of how far we have come in the course as individuals. I compared our 2 posts about tenacity and your tips and found some similarities and differences that I thought were interesting. For 1, I loved the fact that you push people to test their creativity and push beyond their limits. I am a firm believer that someone’s best work comes when they don’t believe they can go any further. I appreciated your style of writing as it kept me engaged and interested. Great post!
    - Mark Candela
