Friday, March 27, 2020

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1)    I think this business of providing alternative options other than paper straws would not only benefit the community as a whole in Gainesville, but encourage surrounding counties to come up with alternative options too. 
2)    We will be solving the unmet need through using eco-friendly straws instead of only paper. Since it is expensive to buy paper straws for their use as well.
3)    The main “who” in this question involves not only the customer, but the owners of restaurants in Gainesville area. Everyone who owns a restaurant in this city is not allowed to sell regular, so comping up with a solution for another sustainable option will help them.
4)    I think that restaurant owners would pay for these straws, because the satisfaction of the customer would be greater.
5)    Using these products would set apart people from a lot of other business.  Using an eco-friendly only straw, and it not be paper and still help save plastic would be very successful.

I believe that this business concept of providing eco-friendly straws that are not paper would really benefit the community as a whole.  Since it is most restraint owners pay more for paper straws anyways, this would be a better solution.  Through this, customers would be more satisfied as well as the restaurant owners knowing they are making an impact for the greater good of the community’s sustainability.

I only received one comment on my original post, but the comment really helped me.  Mary said that restaurant owners have to pay more for paper straws, so I incorporated into this napkin as that being a weakness. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2

2. In the comments section, my peers liked how I elaborated in my video, so in this new one, I tried to keep up with that elaboration.  I also tried to give a little bit elaboration, but not too much. Trying to engage my audience was one of my top priorities in this assignment and I attempted to continue to do that.
3. Based of the feedback, I did not change much other than continuing to elaborate on my idea.

18A - Create a Customer Avatar

The picture above is Claire.  She is an undergraduate junior at the University of Florida majoring in marketing. Her hobbies include going to Depot park, swimming and hanging out with friends.  The one main thing about Claire is that she loves Starbucks coffee and enjoys nothing more than walking into the revolving door at library west and grabbing something from Starbucks for the long afternoon of studying.

Claire has always been an iced coffee fan and if she is treating herself, then orders a frappuccino.  Since this recent plastic straw ban, she has been upset that when she orders her special drink and the straw starts to get flimsy, was it even worth ordering?

Both Claire and I have in common that we do not like this recent ban, and wish there was an alternative option that was still eco-friendly. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

16A - What's Your Secret Sauce

1)    Five ways in which I think I have human capital that is truly unique
1.     I think that my communications skills have improved from being in college and majoring in public relations.
2.     Remaining positive in difficult situations is something that I strive to always put forth.
3.     Determination is something that has always been something I feel as if I encompass.
4.     Remaining disciplined and humble in different circumstances.
5.     Organizational leadership is something that I also have strived to have.

2)    Interview people and ask about my knowledge, skills, abilities and emotions

Interview #1, my mom: After asking my mom she said that I have a sense of love and am able to read situations with my emotions.  She also noted that I can bring out the positives in different kinds of situations. She said that I remain “calm, cool and collective in a crisis.”

Interview #2, my dad: He said that one of my strongest points in that I am a “take charge person” during an activity.  Also, taking initiative and taking leadership is something that I also perform. 

Interview #3, my roommate Ashley: She explained that I am a good communicator and has seen that through being my roommate the past two years in school.  Ashley also explained that I can be “thorough” through completing my assignments.

Interview #4, my friend from UF Nico: He explained that I have a great sense of individualization and understanding other people. Nico also said that I really try to understand people in the best ways that I can.   

Interview #5, my sister Anna: She said that watching me grow up, she was able to witness my communications skills grow through opportunities that we have both had together.  This specific example was through a non-profit that we both helped start back in Tampa.

3)    After interviewing all five people, I realized that there were some things said that I did not realize I had.  For example, I have never really considered myself a “take charge person” as my dad described me.  I have always thought I had leadership capabilities, but just not to that extent.  Doing this assignment was very interesting and I really enjoyed it! 

Interview # 3:
Interview #4:
Interview #5:

15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior

My segment that I have chosen is college students surrounding the University of Florida campus that are impacted by the effect of paper straws.  From all three of my interviews, I brought up the question to each one, “if you had to choose between a paper straw and eco-friendly straw that might coast a little extra with the drink, which one would you pick?” Two out of the three said that they would pay a little bit more on top of a drink fee to use a straw that was not made out of paper. With this response, the quality of something that one purchase does matter.  If one were to pay (let’s say an extra 50 cents) for a straw that wasn’t paper, the quality of that purchase to the customers would pay off.

For my customers, in this situation they are more likely to purchase on the spot in the store. This is only given if the store is not already just out eco-friendly straws.  Since they can be more expensive then paper, having the option for customers to pay a little more to buy them is what determines if it is worth it or not.

From talking to all three of my segment interviews, my second one really stuck out to me.  She said that for her personally, if she were to get a drink and go into the library relying on that specific drink to give her some energy while studying, she would pay the little bit more for a nice straw rather than paper.

After asking each one, “what helps them determine if a purchase was a good idea,” the answers were about the same.  If the experience of drinking without the worry of something being “unusable” after a while like a paper straw, then the other option is worth it.  Talking to each of my interviews made me realize that people would actually purchase something that used to be free if it came down to it for a small price. Of course, not all restaurants have to charge for the straws, but I think this concept of instead of having no option of another straw is beneficial.

In conclusion, I believe this concept of having restaurants in the Gainesville area provide an eco-friendly option for free or a small cost would increase the customer (my segment) satisfaction.