Thursday, January 23, 2020

2A - Bug List

Bug List:

Bug #1: Having no dish disposal and having to clean up the food on the drain. 
Why? Because the house that I am currently living in does not come with one and the landlord did not want to put one in. 

Bug #2: Waking up and the room being cold.
            Why? This bug exists because of the weather change here in Gainesville and my room being the remodeled garage of the house. 

Bug #3: Trying to make a left-hand turn onto 8thstreet during rush hour.
            Why?  Because people are leaving work and it is a main road to get to Archer, 34thSt., 13thSt. and I-75.

Bug #4: Opening up the pantry to find that my food has expired by 5 months.
            Why? This exists because I don’t check the expiration date as often as I should on the food I buy. 

Bug #5: Trying to watch a lecture video at a coffee shop with slow Wi-Fi. 
            Why?  Because the coffee shop doesn’t have the strongest Wi-Fi and lots of people are on the network. 

Bug #6: Living at an apartment complex with very tight/small parking spaces.
            Why? Because lots of people live in the complex, and to make everyone with vehicles fit into the lot, the parking spaces probably had to be made a little smaller than regular.  

Bug #7: Unsubscribing from an email list and still receiving emails from them.
            Why? I am not sure why the bug occurs.  It could be a glitch in the company’s system. 

Bug #8: Forgetting my password to multiple different accounts.
            Why? This in on my account because I should have written the password down instead of just relying on my memory. 

Bug #9: When the cup sweats water on the outside onto the coffee table.
            Why?  This occurs because of the condensation in the air. 

Bug #10: When I pull out my ear phones from my back pack and the strings are all tangled up. 
            Why? This happen because I should have folded them up the right way, but did not from the previous time I used them. 

Bug #11: When my roommates put the Brita filtered water pitcher back in the fridge without refilling it.  
            Why?  This occurs because they don’t take the time to refill it or are in a rush out the door. 

Bug #12: Waking up in the morning to a sink full of dirty dishes.    
            Why?  This is also the same situation as the Brita.  

Bug #13: Being the last one to shower in the house and having the hot water run out while still in the shower.
            Why?  Because sometimes that is the only time I have to shower.  I could plan my day more accordingly so I would have warm water. 

Bug #14: Driving on I-75 south not during rush hour and being in lots of traffic. 
            Why?  People could be going the same place/direction and at the same time as me. 

Bug #15:  Placing an order for Starbucks in Library West on Grub Hub and the app saying that it is ready, but the order is not ready when walking down stairs. 
            Why?  This could be a technical issue with the app itself. 

Bug: #16: My Tide pod leaking over my clothes and not disbursing during the wash cycle. 
            Why?  This could be occurring because of the washing machine or there being in issue with the way the tide pod was manufactured.

Bug #17:  When restaurants don’t offer a plastic straw (and only have paper straws), and the straw becomes flimsy after a while.
            Why?  Because it is a new law in Gainesville that all restaurants must give out paper straws. 

Bug #18: When the same sales call continues to call me through-out the day even though I have been requested to be taken off the list.
            Why? Because my number could still not be taken off and I don’t have any control over it. 

Bug #19: While watching a YouTube video or before starting a YouTube video, a commercial that is unrelated to the topic plays.
            Why?  Because YouTube is making money off these videos. 

Bug #20: When the vending machine in Weimer Hall takes my money, and doesn’t return the product I requested. 
            Why? Because there is most likely a malfunction with the vending machine and has not been fixed. 

Thinking about this “bug list” throughout the week was extremely interesting and I was able to narrow down the most annoying things that bothered me. Even though I consider all these bugs to be inconvenient, there are definitely plenty that I could prohibit from happening myself.  An example of this being bug #10 – “When I pull out my ear phones from my back pack and the strings are all tangled up.”  I could easily prevent this bug from happening to me, but yet I caught myself this week being irritated that my strings were very tangled when I could have just put them away properly the last time I used them.  Another thing that I noticed was that a lot of my bugs had to do with the environment that I am currently living in.  That environment being in school here at the University of Florida. 

Overall, this assignment was very eye opening and I think I look at these “bugs” a little differently now. 


  1. Kayla,
    I found your bug, about your room being the remodeled garage of a house, humorous. You would expect that when remodeling a garage and transforming it into a living space that much insulation would be added, good luck to you. While creating my bug list I too realized that there are plenty of solutions for most of the things that bug us, so I did challenge myself to write 20 bugs with nonexistent solutions. I, however, still had to include a few bugs that already had existing solutions, but just not solutions available to me. Great post!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Kayla,

    Very interesting your bug list because you were very specific with why each bug exists. Checking your list, I realized that I had many bugs to say since when I was making my list for a moment, I thought that I will include more. One of the bugs that I share with you is to open the pantry and realize that my food has already expired I was always angry but the solution is so simple is to check the expiration date every time I buy a product usually this happens because on many occasions we concentrate in everything that bothers us but we don't think about what we should do to solve each problem. The best part of this assignment is to see that there are so many solutions for many bugs that day by day we can change our habits to solve each one of them, almost most of our bugs that happen to us every day can disappear if we change our lifestyle.

  4. Hey Kayla,
    I related to many of your bugs, especially the ones about roommates putting empty Britas in the fridge and waking up to a freezing cold room. I agree with your statement about how many of your bugs could easily be resolved by taking your own measures and being proactive but I like that you also acknowledged that so many of our bugs are related to our environment here in Gainesville. Many things are out of our control like the weather, inconsiderate roommates, and traffic.
